Building Success With A Bright Idea…

...And The Right Team

Embarking on a transformative journey requires more than just an innovative idea—it demands the right team with diverse skills and a shared vision. At Bazzum, we understand the significance of assembling a team that complements each other's strengths.

Founder's Story

Meet Our Visionary Founder

Learn more about the entrepreneurial journey that led to the creation of Bazzum. Our founder, Rickard Linetti, envisioned a revolutionary approach to reshape the recruitment landscape. With a passion for innovation and a keen understanding of the industry, Rickard set out to redefine how individuals find their ideal jobs and employers discover the perfect match. His ambitious plan involves expanding globally, introducing a fully functional platform backed by cutting-edge technology and comprehensive psychometrics.

Meet the Team Behind Bazzum

At Bazzum, our success is driven by a dynamic and dedicated team. Meet the professionals behind the platform's development and growth. Each team member brings a unique set of skills and experiences, collectively contributing to the innovation that sets Bazzum apart. Together, we are committed to transforming the way people connect with opportunities.
Company Values

Our Commitment to Innovation and Impact

Discover the principles that form the foundation of Bazzum. Our commitment to innovation and impact is reflected in every aspect of our platform. We believe in pushing boundaries, challenging the status quo, and making a positive difference in the lives of individuals and the broader community. Learn more about the values that drive us toward a future of work that is more fulfilling and aligned with individual aspirations. Bazzum has already gained significant traction, receiving positive feedback from both job seekers, including the employed and unemployed, and employers. Many companies, including Spotify, Volvo, Fellowmind, and others, have expressed their enthusiasm and are set to become test pilots during the development of our MVP.

I want to know more about bazzum!

Explore how Bazzum is transforming the job market and shaping the way individuals and companies connect. Do you want us to give you a call? Book a meeting? Send our pitch deck and other investment input? Please let us know!

World Trade Center
Skeppsgatan 19
211 11 Malmö