Welcome to the job market of the future

Where people’s dreams and potential
meet companies’ dreams and needs.

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Welcome to the Bazzum universe.

This is how Bazzum works.
Watch video.


Where people's dreams and potential meet companies' dreams and needs

Bazzum aims to change the conditions of the job market and make it easy to access for everyone by considerably improving and simplifying the process of finding the right job/the right candidates locally as well as globally. Bazzum will facilitate finding jobs across borders.

Job match

The power of power skills

When it comes to succeeding at a job, the right personal qualities and potential are your most powerful assets. Together with motivation, values and interests, power skills are the key to a successful job match. To succeed in the future, companies will need to recruit talents with the right power skills and values.


Communication skills



Problem Solving and Critical Thinking


Building a global hub for jobs and job seekers

With our intelligent, unique matching algorithm, we provide the perfect match between employers and job seekers, locally, nationally and globally. By automating and streamlining the recruitment process, we end the need for job listings and applications, and enable our customers to save time, resources and money.


Hard skills are not enough

Streamlining the process, our unique algorithm will guarantee instant and superiorly accurate job matching. How? By basing it on over 30 years of scientific research showing that an individual’s power skills, motivation, values and interest are far superior to hard skills, like education and work experience, in terms of predicting how well suited that individual is for a certain job or work place.

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We guide the job seeker and the employer to the perfect match


Bazzum will fundamentally change the global job market

Bazzum's unique matching algorithm takes into account the individual's power skills, problem solving ability, interests, motivation, values, education and experience, the specific characteristics of the profession (e.g. which specific power skills are necessary), and the company's preferences and corporate culture. With our automatic matching, you get a list of tailored candidates - with the click of a button. Candidates who are not only qualified for the position, but also perfectly matched to your company's values and culture. No job applications to go through, no CVs and no stiff cover letters to read. Easy and effective. As it should be.

Beta launch
early 2024

We are opening up the platform exclusively for both job seekers and employers early 2024. Get early access and register. 

We simplify the process of finding the right job and the right candidates.




What job are you most suited for? Is it your current job? Let’s find out!

Job seekers

Do you want to know what job would suit you the best?


Are you ready to start the journey towards your dream job?


Are you looking to re-enter the job market?


We automate the recruitment process for you, We provide the perfect match while you save time, resources and money.


We are revolutionizing job seeking and recruiting. We provide the perfect match!


At the Bazzum hub you can reach career planning individuals looking for the right education.

Job matching - coaching

Bazzum is a unique marketplace where you can present and offer your career coaching services.

Get early access

Register by filling out your email and user type. Completely free of charge - no strings attached. The beta version will be launched early 2024. Register below and we will get back to you with more information shortly.

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Skeppsgatan 19
211 11 Malmö